
Travis Scott Flies to Astroworld for ‘Yosemite’ Video.

After already plugging the late great ‘Astroworld‘ with a public holiday for Houston citizens, Travis Scott has reinstated his love for the theme park.

Scott recently said that Astroworld was the incarnation of all his fond fuzzy childhood memories. With that theme in mind, his latest video drop for ‘Yosemite‘ pays further homage to his affections.

The flick, directed by Nabil, plots the story of a young boy who gets lost in adventure before wandering into a destitute theme park, which is the one and only Astroworld.

While Scott flies way up above in his private jet, the young boy discovers the mystical joys of the long lost heterotopia.

This represents yet another exploration into the special effects catalogue from the Houston rapper – alongside the videos for ‘Sicko Mode‘ and ‘Stop Trying To Be God‘ – who continues to ride the hype of his album.


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